Ever wonder why prayers take time?

Comparing the Exodus of 40 years and why prayer takes time

Have you ever why prayers take time to get answered. Asking yourself or begging God to answer it and why he is not working for you fast enough. Well in this message I will answer this.

Back when I was in school I was having some troubles with certain things, and I would Pray and pray and get no answers. I never got my prayers answered until now listen…..I started Praying harder and blessing God letting him know how bad of need I was in, but also remembered he is the Lord of Lords and its up to him when I got my prayers answered, It was amazing after instead of just asking, I spent time talking to God and I promise you. In about a week things started changing and school got better. Has anyone else ever been in a similar situation? please leave a comment

God is not in the business of granting prayers of the unfaithful or even the faithful you must need to learn ways to pray. That would make him sort of a rent-a-God for convenience. You must Understand our God is loving but e wants to make sure you are of faith and meet him halfway with your prayer so he knows you are not praying out of anger or deceit.

Deuteronomy 8

it took40 years for the Israelis to get to the land of Canaan. Here is a fact for you:

  • It should have only took 6 weeks to get to Canaan, 8 weeks at the most

So why did it take so long. Prayer and the 40 year Journey to Canaan have stark contrasts and I am going to show you them right below, 5 things God did in Deuteronomy that also go for prayer and these things are:

  1. Obedience to God
  2. Faith in the Lord
  3. Heart
  4. Courage
  5. Humbleness

Deut 8:18-20

These verses define the chapter because it reminds the Israelite that God shall be with him always, but if he gains riches, and let that bring arrogance, and pride, which make the ultimately forget God.

(19-20) Says if they do turn on the father they shall surely perish.

So prayers as I mentioned do not get answered fast because you need to have the 5 facts that are directly in this Deuteronomy 8. All prayers shall get answered if you have true Faith, not your feeling. God will not answer if you have no faith in God, Holy Spirit or Jesus Christ it simply will not happen, in conrtast a man of faith, righteous, faith and a humble giving heart. It may take time but God will answer their prayer.

Just as the Israelite reached Canaan(Promise Land) after 40 years. This makes prayer and 40 years of Exodus similar.

God was testing your, as well as Israelite:

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